RE: COLOR - Due to Monitor, Phone and iPad settings Ex: brightness settings, quality and pixels. Along with Flash Photography - COLORS you view with these devices may appear different than the actual finished product. (Images are as accurate as possible).
NEW Indoor/Outdoor Carpet & Custom Rug & Runner Collection. Excellent for ALL Home Owners or Commercial Properties. Shop from Home – Delivered to your Door.
Timeless durability and beauty for years ahead. Benefit from long-lasting qualities.
Strong fibers ~ Beneficial Resistance to every day Ware, Stains, Fading and deterioration ~ Can be Easily Cleaned!
NOTE: This Rug or Runner is a Custom Product and Made-to-Order at the time of your purchase. SAMPLE SWATCHES are Available to purchase (Located at the bottom of our drop down Size Selection Menu). **See the exact color, thickness and quality of this carpet prior to any Custom Rug or Runner purchase** Samples are Recommended but not required before any Custom Order. Samples are VERY Effective & REDUCES RETURNS.